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My Progression 2.0

In my first WPS blog post I mentioned that I wanted my website to "display my photography and videos on a website in a manner that is uniquely designed to portray my aesthetics as an artist. The aesthetic I am trying to go fo

r is '90s media' chic; a design that mirrors the original Super Mario Bros or a 90s editorial magazine layout but with a modern twist." I kept my statement in mind when I was continuing the construction on my website. On my home page I have decided to create a 'digital canvas'. This canvas will serve as a way for visitors to get a little taste of my digital art: college making. This canvas will be a malleable work of art, as I will created new collages over time or maybe just build on the images I have now. For my first canvas layout I selected a couple of PNG images and did a playful design.


In addition to my digital canvas, I have added more photos to my photo portfolio. Below are the images from a photoshoot I had with my 2 friends, Zarion and Jeena. I decided to keep the same "image preview" layout as the FKi First page, the accordion display. I was thinking of maybe changing up the way visitors view the images because this preview may be too much of a distraction, not allowing a person to focus on the details of a single image. For now I will keep this preview because I think it looks pleasing.

I am really excited with how my page is unraveling. Madelon and I have had multiple discussions on how we plan to use this site as resumes/portfolios for future employment/internship opportunities, and as I continue to build my site I have been keeping that in mind.

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