Media Event: The Circle
For my second media event, I watched The Circle. This movie received a 16% on Rotten Tomatoes and a 5.3 on IMDb, so you could say I had...
My Progression 2.0
In my first WPS blog post I mentioned that I wanted my website to "display my photography and videos on a website in a manner that is...
Stop the iHate
The release of Apple's iPhone 8 has not only been a huge topic of discussion in the real world, but also in the virtual world. From...
Keeping Up With the Digital Culture
Before learning the fundamentals of digital media culture in this course, I was never really aware of how my presence on the internet, or...
Siri: Personal Assistant of The Generation
In 2010, a revolutionary application called Siri was released for iOS. Months later it was bought and acquired by Apple Inc., it was...