To Be Continued...
Ultimately, I wanted my website to serve as an online portfolio for clients. Whether it be for modeling, film, or photography. I feel that my website development still has a long way to go. As an artist, you never stop creating art. There is no end or deadline for when you stop creating, and that is how I feel about my website. I have often referred to it as my digital canvas because spending time putting together a website has made me discover the concept of digital art. A lot of people don't see the beauty and artistic features that accompany a website, but being the one that does the creating has made me appreciate digital beauty.
I have always been my toughest critic, and I am unsatisfied with the development of my website. Lately, I have felt distant from my creativity, like its missing or its just not good enough. I added some of the photos and videos I have made, but right now I am in a really awkward place with my work because I am in the middle of working on my first actual film projects, which I will eventually but on my website. It feels really bare and empty, and that just scares me because in my mind I feel like I have a lot of content, but when you actually put it out there, you realize it may not be as good as you thought. Another scary thought about putting content out there is that once it's published it's subject to scrutiny and I have been very careful to only post things that I am confident in. I know I shouldn't care about what others think, but at the end of the day, you have to allow your work to be criticized in order to get better.
I will continue to work on my website and continue adding content to it. I hope to one day use this platform in order to show people (and hopefully future clients) my work. I place so much emphasis on my creativity, but I need to stop being so hard on myself and just create instead of waiting around for a moment of creativity that may never come. I am utterly thankful to have been assigned to design a website because I feel that I found a new hobby. I may not be the best web designer, but I sure have fun doing it. We live in a world where the web world is exponentially growing, so there is not a doubt that these web design skills will come in handy in the future.